Úvodní stránkaRival Boxing Gear

Rival Boxing Gear

Řadit produktypodle:
Rival Boxerské rukavice RS4 AERO 2.0
Szybki podgląd
Představujeme DALŠÍ generaci sportovních rukavic RS4 Aero. Díky kompletně přepracované a nově navržené konstrukci je ...

3,516.90 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Szybki podgląd
V rámci pokračující snahy o výrobu kvalitního vybavení vám společnost Rival s hrdostí představuje rukavice ...

3,695.83 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


RIVAL Profesionální boxerská helma RHG20
Szybki podgląd
Vylepšená tradiční pokrývka hlavy RHG20! V souladu s vynikajícím původním designem a ochranou nyní tato ...

3,362.65 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


RIVAL Boxerské rukavice RS1 ULTRA 2.0
Szybki podgląd
Korunovační klenot! Rukavice, kterou to všechno začalo! Rukavice RS1 je korunním klenotem naší řady a ...

6,170.00 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Boxerské rukavice RFX Guerrero Pro Fight
Szybki podgląd
Rival Boxerské rukavice RFX Guerrero SF-F Pro Fight Věříme, že se nám podařilo navrhnout a ...

8,014.83 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Boxerské rukavice RFX Guerrero Pro Fight
Szybki podgląd
Rival Boxerské rukavice RFX Guerrero SF-F Pro Fight Věříme, že se nám podařilo navrhnout a ...

8,014.83 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Boxerské rukavice EVOLUTION Sparring
Szybki podgląd
Rival Boxerské rukavice EVOLUTION Sparring Boxerské rukavice EVOLUTION Sparring jsou dokonale sladěné rukavice, díky nimž ...

6,780.83 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival boxerské rukavice FITNESS PLUS Bag
Szybki podgląd
Rival Boxerské rukavice FITNESS PLUS Bag Rival představuje všestranné a zcela nové rukavice Fitness Plus ...

1,635.05 Kč 1,471.61 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Chránič břicha
Szybki podgląd
Chránič soupeře Belly Po více než roce vývoje a testování je Rival hrdý na to, ...

13,567.83 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Ochrana Rozkroku NO-FOUL
Szybki podgląd
Rival O chrana rozkroku NO-FOUL Technická data : 3D struktura sítě Flexibilní šířka Jedna velikost ...

1,635.05 Kč 1,471.61 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Boxerské boty GENESIS
Szybki podgląd
Rival Boxerské boty GENESIS Speciálně navržený pro box RSX-Genesis pro rychlost a odolnost, aby přežil ...

2,622.25 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Boxerské boty RSX-GUERRERO DELUXE
Szybki podgląd
Rival Boxerské boty GENESIS Speciálně navržený pro box RSX-Genesis pro rychlost a odolnost, aby přežil ...

4,152.41 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Tréninkové štíty, RPM7 Fitness Plus
Szybki podgląd
Rival Tarcze treningowe, łapy RPM7 Fitness Plus Tarcze zostały wykonane z tego samego, wyjątkowo odpornego ...

1,968.23 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Gelové rukavice
Szybki podgląd
Rival Gel rukavice Pohodlná a bezpečná alternativa klasických boxerských obinadel. Pokud si během tréninku ceníte ...

876.14 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Boxerské obvazy Guerrero
Szybki podgląd
Rival Boxerské obvazy MEXICAN Pohodlí a ochrana vašich rukou v „mexickém“ stylu! Mírně pružný materiál ...

505.94 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Rival Boxerské obvazy MEXICAN
Szybki podgląd
Rival Boxerské obvazy MEXICAN Naše tradiční, lehké mexické obaly na ruce, které jste poznali a ...

296.16 Kč

Doprava:24 hodiny


Zobrazení od1 do16 (of 16 položek) Stránky:  1 

About Us

Rival Boxing Gear is a leading, Canadian owned, high-quality brand name offering stylish and innovative products developed specifically for Boxing market.

Unbelievably, it has been ten years since Rival emerged as a labour of love.

Driven by a passion for excellence, a commitment to quality, and a love for boxing, Rival made a promise to “reinvent the industry”. Little did we realize how much of an impact we would actually have!

Rival RS1 Sparring glovesIt didn’t take long for Rival’s reputation as a cutting edge, technologically driven, design orientated company to shake the industry to its core. Company after company, began redesigning their line and their look, in an effort to emulate what we here at Rival were doing. Others were not as subtle, as they helped themselves to our intellectual property and blatantly copied our products integrally. It was becoming crystal clear that our short existence was having a far more powerful impact than we first thought possible.

From our early humble beginnings to now our 10th Anniversary, we are proud of the advancements in equipment that we have attained, and forever grateful to our loyal and knowledgeable customer base. Without you driving us, motivating us and pushing us to get better and better, we would not be saying Happy 10th Anniversary.

Our breakthrough introduction of “d3o” into our boxing gear has made the RB-10 Bag Glove and the RHG-10 Headgear, two of the most radical and sought after pieces of equipment in the world. These two items are unRIVALed in the boxing world!Rival RB10 bag gloves

Many of you have surely noticed more and more world champions and contenders wearing the improved Rival Guerrero Pro Fight glove. Keeping in mind the desire for horsehair padding in a fight glove, we took a great product and made it even better. We re-worked the design and fit to give you what has been described by some as “the best glove I’ve ever put on”. Fighters like former world champion Jean Pascal, World ranked contenders like Edwin Rodriguez and power punching Keith Thurman, and World Champions like Leo Santa Cruz and Yuriorkis Gamboa have trusted their hands to the new Rival Guerrero Pro Fight glove. Recognized by all as a “Punchers Glove” this piece of equipment continues to be the “Crown Jewel” in our line.

Rival pro athletesWhat is becoming recognized as THE leader in the industry, is Rival’s custom made boxing apparel. From Sergio Martinez to 4 round beginners, Rival apparel has captured the eye and imagination of the boxing world. What started off as a “once in a while” production of clothing has grown into a full time effort and worldwide demand.  Not only do we take pride in our equipment, but we are even prouder to say that we have the best tailor in the world, bar none!

Finally, these last 10 years would never have been possible without the BEST group of people I could possibly have working to see to your needs day in and day out.  More impressively, the staff which started RIVAL a decade ago, is still in place today and still performing beyond expectations. From Julia and Stephanie in customer service to JC and Luc in the design department, the entire RIVAL team is even better than our equipment!

These are just a few examples of the innovations and advancements that we have brought forward in the last ten years, and God-willing we will be bringing many more in the next decade as well.

Rival Boxing Gear
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